Answers Bible Curriculum

Temple Baptist Church is very excited to announce we will be using a new Sunday school curriculum: Answers Bible Curriculum! “ABC” was developed by Answers in Genesis to present the gospel, beginning in Genesis, to all generations; to train believers to know, obey, and defend God’s Word; and to encourage believers to become conformed to the image of Christ.


The 2009 book Already Gone by Ken Ham and Britt Beemer (and the scientific study on which the book is based) reveals the reasons why young people are leaving the church. In much of the teaching today in our churches, the Bible is disconnected from the real world, and the authority of Scripture is undermined and replaced with secular reasoning using man’s ideas.

The church has failed to teach the Bible as relevant fact. We have, intentionally or unintentionally, taught the Scriptures as nothing but “stories” that relate to spiritual matters but have avoided engaging the challenging questions from the secular world that bombard churched children and adults the other 166 hours of their week. As a result, children are beginning to doubt the Bible—and the gospel message that it presents—as early as elementary school. Many studies confirm that more than 60% of young people leave the church after they graduate from high school.

Answers Bible Curriculum was designed and written to provide answers to the questions and issues that confront youth (and adults) in school, in the media, from friends, at work, etc. It is our hope and prayer that God will be pleased to use this curriculum to instill a lifelong trust in the Bible and in the God who authored it.

Scope & Sequence

Answers Bible Curriculum is a 200-lesson curriculum that covers the entire Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, in chronological fashion. The first 120 lessons survey the Old Testament, and the final 80 lessons survey the New Testament. Where appropriate, lessons include apologetics material confirming the accuracy of the biblical record, as well as historical background and life application.


If you would like to learn more about this fantastic curriculum, feel free to check out this playlist!